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Solve your Compliance Status Confusion with the InformaSecure Compliance Score

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

While business process management (BPM) and customer relationship management (CRM) tools have become commonplace in recent years, compliance process management (CPM) in organisations is still lagging far behind. Compliance processes are too often informal and localised within specific departments only. This leads to insufficient executive oversight and clarity surrounding an organisation’s compliance status and performance.

Additionally, the business environment continues to be disrupted which has meant that the risk of non-compliance has increased substantially in recent times, and organisations are struggling to keep up. Data privacy regulations, third party risks assessments, COVID-19 safety requirements and increased trading in international jurisdictions are just some examples of these developments. All of this means that it is increasingly difficult to accurately evaluate your organisation’s compliance status and performance. Compliance audits and risk assessments are expensive, lengthy and provide a one-off performance snapshot.

But there must already be solutions for these problems?”

This is the typical reaction of people presented with these problems – and they are right, there are solutions. Until now, however, these solutions have been as complex as the problems themselves. Existing solutions are either overly complex compliance solutions which require significant and costly setup fees, onboarding and follow on consulting or process management tools for technology professionals with no compliance focus.

Do complex problems always need complex solutions?”

The InformaSecure Compliance Score is the quickest and most cost-effective way to determine your compliance performance. The Compliance Score is the top-level overview of your organisation’s compliance status. You set the processes, certifications or personnel you wish to evaluate and InformaSecure does the rest. If you want to investigate the performance in more detail you can navigate down to specific parts of the organisation’s performance, the Compliance Score is fully interactive.

The Compliance Score provides top-level peace of mind to your customers, investors and management and removes the uncertainty that surrounds compliance status.

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